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As of today, HeroPress essays will be syndicated on WordPress.org/news once a month, on the first friday of the month.

A few weeks ago Josepha The Great approached me and said she’d been tasked with getting Better News at that location, and HeroPress was one of her first thoughts. We discussed how it would work and here’s what we came up with.

Once a month I’ll suggest an essay and someone at Automattic will paraphrase and condense the essay and publish it at WordPress.org/news along with links to the original. This gives us both the opportunity for a traffic boost.

I’m super excited about this opportunity, and I’d like to thank Josepha Haden, Matt Mullenweg, Yvette Sonneveld, Alison Rothwell, and Aditya Kane for their work in making this happen.

The first one is about Ugyen Dorji from Bhutan, I hope you’ll check it out. Please leave a comment for Ugyen on HeroPress.com.