Search Results for: india

The Up and Running Scholarship, from HeroPress and WPShout

The Up and Running Scholarship, from HeroPress and WPShout

UPDATE Registration for this scholarship is closed.   We’re very excited to announce the Up and Running Scholarship, from HeroPress and WPShout. Up and Running is a course created by WPShout for anyone wanting to learn WordPress development. They’ve recently updated it to a Second Edition for 2017, and it now comes with 40+ chapters,…

A Blissful Driving Force

A Blissful Driving Force

As a college guy, I believed in being different and outperforming the best of my lot. Coming from a modest family background, the realization of achievement dawned over me. I never favored being a 9 to 5 corporate professional and a having a ‘boss’ was simply not my cup of coffee. I was never interested…

On the other side

On the other side

My first experience with WordPress came in 2005. I was taking an online theology program and became friends with the director of the course, C. Michael Patton. The course was provided by a popular Christian website, but over time it became necessary to move it to its own site because of limitations in the current…

The Joy of Giving Back

The Joy of Giving Back

I was born and brought up in a very small town called Patiyali. Patiyali is on the banks of the river Ganga. It is in India’s most populous state, Uttar Pradesh. Patiyali was laid back and idyllic, with no real opportunities in IT or computers. My father never wanted me to go for IT Job because…

Making Family

Making Family

It’s not uncommon for me to ask someone to write a HeroPress essay and have them respond with “Why me? I’m not really on the periphery of anything. WordPress didn’t really help me overcome any hardship”. Almost every time I help them realize what an impact WordPress has made on their life, and how it…

WordPress – My Future

WordPress – My Future

I love reading HeroPress essays in my free time. It’s a source of inspiration. Sometimes you come to know about people who faced similar challenges like yours. Sometimes you come to know of people who have failed and worked hard to succeed. It’s always interesting to read these essays and learn from how things can…