North America

Life Without Limits

Life Without Limits

What if I were to propose to you that it is possible to live life without limits? What if I were to say to you that you can do something extraordinary? What if you knew that you can move past your own shortcomings? Well, I’d be telling you a partial truth. Each one of us…

Transformed by WordPress

Transformed by WordPress

WordPress has changed my career. It has helped me achieve financial and personal independence. It has given me confidence and notoriety. It has enabled me to travel the country. It has completely changed my home, my friendships, my romantic relationships. It has transformed my entire life. But let me back up a minute. Ever since…

Doing What I Want

Doing What I Want

48. After 25 years in the working world as a showroom manager, office manager and doing IT helpdesk and purchasing work, I was at a crossroads. I’d stopped taking care of a husband years earlier, my kids were grown and almost out of the house. For the first time in 25 years of working and…

But I’m Not a Techie…

When I was first presented with the opportunity to write for HeroPress, my initial reaction was; “Why? What could I possibly say to help people more experienced than I am at WordPress?” You see, I’ve only been using WordPress for a little more than a year, and I only use it for blogging. The only…

Finding My Way

I can trace my start with WordPress back to 7th Grade when I was 12. That year at school, I learned a bit about Wikispaces and Wix and I saw something I would want to do and have as a hobby: build websites. As I dabbled with website building more and more, I eventually found…

Empowered by WordPress

Empowered by WordPress

“Things like the Internet and WordPress can power a website, but they can also empower individuals.” The Story As a young boy with a permanent disability, life wasn’t easy. I wasn’t able to do all of the things my friends did, I wasn’t treated the same, and I wasn’t taught the same things in school….